Reviews on iOS apps take longer than on Android. That's why MYHIXEL Play is still in Beta phase on iOS. While we work on Apple's acceptance to upload our app, we've designed a system to allow our iPhone users enjoy the full app. The process is:

  1. We need you to provide us your email address in the following form.
  2. We will invite you to the app as a beta tester using TestFlight. Don't worry, you are getting the full version of the app, it is just a different way to download it.
  3. You will be invited manually by our devs to the app.
  4. You'll receive an email with the following info: MYHIXEL has invited you to test MYHIXEL Play.
  5. Press the blue button in that email, that says: View in TestFlight.
  6. From there, you'll get instructions: 1. download the app TestFlight; 2. Enter in TestFlight, where you'll be able to download our app. 3.You'll have the app in your iPhone like other apps.
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